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'Memoirs on Sex from a 90 Year Old Pushy Jewish Broad’

I was an embarrassment! Age 23 and still a virgin!! Something had to be done, But with whom? In montreal and within the inner circle of the Jewish community, In two minutes flat, everyone would know – and with whom!! An impossible hurdle to overcome…until………….one day………….. I had the answer! It hit me during the summer where I was the hostess in the dining room of The Chalet - the hotel in Ste. Agathe where I worked all day And danced all night. And there he was. The answer to my prayers. This young good looking guy from New York, who was keeping all the vacationing unhappily married women…. Very happy! Towards the end of the evening I sidled close to him, Found out he was going back to New York the next day And offered him a ride back to Montreal. where he could catch the train. He accepted my offer And when he got me home He accepted my other offer…. Gladly! He didn’t know it was my first time So he didn’t know he would have to break down the door!!
The only advice I had to guide me was the quote from English Mothers and the guide they gave their daughters: “Darling, just close your eyes and think of England!” Finally, both of us, thoroughly exhausted, fell asleep. When I woke up, only one thought came to mind:

As he was getting ready to leave, I politely asked him whether he would like something to eat. He accepted. I opened the fridge.….Nothing….except…. A CAN OF WHITE CHERRIES!!!!!!!!!!!


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