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"Ma, I bought myself a two-wheel bike!"

My client and I were faced with the prospect of waiting a couple of hours for our turn to go before the judge.

I turned to him and said, “It’s a beautiful spring day.

Let’s go to the drugstore, buy some playing cards.

And then let’s go to the nearby park and play gin rummy.”

So there we landed up on the bench (the "Park Bench" not the "Judge’s Bench!")

And that's where he told me this story:

"I went with my 8-year old daughter to buy her a two-wheel bike

When I was there, a voice in my head suddenly said to me.

'Your mother always forbade you to buy a two-wheel bike.

This is your chance. Buy one!'

"I became a man possessed.

I bought a two-wheel bike for myself, bought one for my daughter, paid,

and the first thing I did was rush to a phone to call my mother.

'Ma, you’ll never guess. I just bought a two-wheel bike'



"The phone went dead."

No sound.



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