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Living life to the fullest is an attitude. And not just for the young.

It's now out in the open.

So many people are miserable in their jobs.

And it's no different no matter how high up you are in the social scale.

I remember playing chamber music with 3 young doctors who had just finished their residencies in

their individual specialty.

And I remember how shocked I was to hear what they talked about in between movements:

"Hey guys, let's plan what we're going to do 20 years from now when we retire!"

I felt sad for these guys. They were trapped.

There are options. But you've got to be ready to cross the line!


The stories are different when a person "defies" what is the "proper" thing to do.

and listen to their own authentic voices.

The woman had run a successful business operation. Her health gave out. She had to sell.

She tried cooking. Her back couldn't take it.

Before the health had given out she had lived a life "To the manner born."

She threw it all to the winds and took up Dog-Walking.

And after 10 years she is still having a ball. Everybody on the street knows her. They stop to chat.

She enjoys the street life. Loves the dogs.

And how did she respond when she was first asked the question,

"But what would your friends think of you being a dog-walker?"



During the Great Depression, you took in a border!

.....maybe even two!


My friend came from the Dominican Republic.

He never felt chained to a full time job.

He loved his freedom too much to have a full time job

And he shaped his life accordingly.

Fluent in French, he earned his living by giving French lessons.

Soon he developed teaching a few groups a week,

and kept exploring all the possibilities to expand his capabilities.

At the same time he got intrigued by the idea of playing the stock market.

He read all he could about it.

One book in particular caught his attention.

He followed the instructions to a “T, ” became rich, and became a philanthropist.

And lived well.

Car, beautiful 2 bedroom apartment, and a lovely girl friend.

And then came the crash

All his money ... gone

he still had his multiple language groups,

still kept on exploring new ways to teach French,

and still played the double base in an amateur orchestra.

and, oh, before I forget, he still went dancing every week,

especially tango!

But how did he manage to support his comfortable life style without having a full time job?

His car? His beautiful apartment?

By sharply cutting down his expenses.

He sold his car,

And then the biggest step of all.

He followed the example of how his parents lived through the Great Depression:

He managed to keep his lovely apartment by renting out the two bedrooms

and turning the living/dining room into his own private quarters,

All this to say:

If you apply a "work-around-the-problem" approach to living, working,

and enjoying life to the fullest,

There is always a solution to satisfy the desire to live life to its fullest....

if you're ready to cross the line!


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