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How "Old" is Old?

When i told people I had turned 88,

Suddenly everyone wanted to help me cross the street!!!!!!!!!

What a nuisance!

So i figured how to stop them in their tracks.

I told them i was 99!!!!!!!!!!!

They got so stunned they forgot about helping me cross the street!

"WHAT!@# WHAT^%$# NO$#@NO@#$ NOT POSSIBLE#$%% OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

And then we all had a great laugh! (well, maybe not all!)

Oh, I almost forgot:

They even forgot to talk about their "Favorite Senior Residence!"

Lots of laughs...the only way to deal with life!...even at 88!

Actually two ways.

Laugh your way through it!

At the same time, take great care!


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