Let me state right from the beginning: I never had a life long dream to become a lawyer The lifelong dream was to become a concert pianist. Alas, i finally had to face reality. My voice trembled when I asked my beloved piano teacher for a reality check. “Mme. Hubert, do i have what it takes to become a concert pianist?” She took a long time thinking about how she could answer me without drawing blood. After a very long pause, she said in her heavily accented Parisian English, “Ah Claire, you are an artist!” Pause.....
And suddenly she shot from the hip. "BUT YOU ARE NOT A PIANIST!!!!!!!!!!" Weakened at the knees i wasn't ready for the knockout blow. I played my Master’s exam before the examiners at Vincent d’Indy, my music school, run by the Sisters Nom de Jesus Marie, And ran out elated! I had passed! Only to find my “ "repetitrice” – my piano coach - Sister Rita - leaning against the wall, completely exhausted. “Oh Claire, I prayed so hard that the examiners should stop each of your three pieces just before the places where you get stuck. And God answered my prayers!” I sank to my knees.
Not in prayer.
But in complete surrender to reality. If the only way i could pass my piano exams is with the help of Sister Rita and God,
it was time to submit to my fate..........
To become a lawyer!