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Today is my birthday! 95!!!!!!!! Well not really, but it's such an impressive number I couldn&#

My honeymoon in Paris, 19..... picture taken by husband Saul

One memory keeps flashing back.

When I was approaching 20, I had 13 "gentlemen" callers!

The main problem was booking.

I had one date for sailing at 4 pm

At 6 pm, gracefully resisting all protests, I said goodbye and went with the second date to dinner.

At 8 pm, gracefully resisting all protests, I said goodbye and met the third date at Place des Arts.

At 10 pm, gracefully resisting all protests, I said goodbye and went home. I had no other dates booked.

At the end of the summer, it was their turn.

All 13 of my gentlemen callers gracefully stopped calling!


I had to start booking all over again!!!!!!!!


My honeymoon in Paris, 19..... picture taken by husband Saul


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