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"A tisket, a tasket, I lost my pretty basket!"

In my early dating years, one ironclad rule controlled the behavior of all girls.

"You must remain a virgin until you get married."

And during the summer, when 7 families lived together each in their separate rooms at Minnie's farm in the Laurentians,

Mothers were the enforcers.

They watched their young girls like a hawk.

The moment they saw behavior that held out the promise of potential disaster.

They would send poisonous glances at their daughter which meant one thing only.

"Come here....IMMEDIATELY!"

In this day and age, it's hard to believe.

"But the girls obeyed....IMMEDIATELY!

At my advanced age of 23, the glances no longer had their powerful control.

I now had seen around me enough broken virginity laws like broken branches in a park.

And I decided: the time had come. I had to get rid of my virginity.

But how to do it without word getting around the entire Jewish, when and with whom!

It wasn't long before I found the perfect solution.

During the summer I worked as a hostess in the dining room of a tourist hotel in Ste. Agathe

In between meals, I loved to swim around the biiiiiiiiiig Lac des Sables.

And at night after work I loooooooved dancing,

So I hung around the dance floors of the hotel. And danced until early morning.

(When you're "young" you only need a couple of hours of sleep!")

And there on the dance floor i met up with the perfect candidate who would get rid of my virginity:

He was young, very attractive, and was laying all the married women he could lay his eyes...and hands... on.

(Every person has a role to play in society!)

Oh! He had one other qualification, The most important qualification of all:

He was a native of New York and he was returning back to New York in a few days.

And other than the married women he was keeping in training, he didn't know anyone in Montreal.

My reputation would be least on the surface!

So the last night of his stay, I invited him to drive home with me in Montreal.

And I did what mothers in England used to advise their about-to-be-married virgin daughters.

"Lie back. Close your eyes.....and THINK OF ENGLAND!!!!!!!!!!"

When i woke up the next morning, there was only one thought that entered my mind:

"Is this what all the fuss has been about!"


The New Yorker had worked harder than he had expected to, so he needed something to eat before driving back to New York.

My cupboard was empty....except for one can....

the perfect ending....a can of........

white cherries!

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