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Sex....or the lack of it....a pragmatic solution

My secretary, Francoise, was taking dictation when suddenly she dropped her pencil and notepad and blurted out,

“Claire, I need to see the sex therapist who’s renting your small office”

(You might be wondering the appropriateness of a lawyer renting out a spare office to a sex therapist.

Funny, I didn’t think of it at the time!)

Seeing the puzzled look on my face, Francoise rushed to explain.

“I’ve separated from my husband. I have a boyfriend. We go to concerts, the art gallery. We enjoy many things together... except sex. He’s a mama’s boy.

Now that's a problem, because I enjoy sex.

So I get together for sex with my separated husband.”

“So, what’s the problem?”

“Well, my whole family is horrified. 'Francoise, that just isn’t proper!’

So I thought, maybe they’re right. Maybe I do have a problem.

Maybe I should see the sex therapist that’s renting your small office.”

I broke out laughing. “Francoise, you don’t need a sex therapist.

You’ve got the perfect solution:

A division of labor...just like running a business!

It's not as if you're taking from Pierre to pay Paul.

Enjoy each man for what they do best!"

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