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It's always a time for a story about flowers - especially NOW. We need joy. And caring.

I have passed Venus Plants many times. I never thought of entering. I was too far away from home. Then one day it happened . A heavenly spring day , multi- coloured tulips nodding in the wind , lowest prices in town.

I couldn’t resist . I stepped in . For a moment I was blinded. The profusion of color completely overwhelmed me . It took my breath away.

Flowers provide the color. At the same time Flowers are the decor…. the only decor. The rest is bare. Cement floors. Bare tables for arrangements and an old style cash register .

The staff all work on wedding arrangements .There is no strict division of labor. Everybody sells.

Everyone does flower arranging .

The only way to recognize the boss is by his height!

One moment he’s taking care of a customer and behind the cash...

the next moment he's disappeared. He's at the other end of the store... is he on roller blades ?!

John ’s father came over from Greece after World War ll at the age of 16 . At 22 he started a grocery store at the same location as present day Venus Plants .

Little by little flowers were introduced until they were the main sellers . Venus Plants was now a wholesale flower business .

His son, John, started at the cash at the age of 6 ,

Today it’s a flower store open to the public.

Customers come from all over: Toronto, Ottawa. Quebec City . The flowers pull them in ; the knowledgeable staff pulls them in; the lowest prices in town pull them in!

But perhaps the biggest pull of all: Everybody at Venus…..cares! There’s always a smile for you. There’s always time to listen.

I0-years ago the wedding business started. It’s now overwhelming.

Why? Simple answer. “We care.

We care enough to make sure the bride is happy.”

Venus Plants is a model workplace where boredom is reduced to a minimum by interchangeable duties, and where status and corner offices are non- existent. The people who work at Venus Flowers love being there ."Who cannot be happy surrounded by flowers. Who can resist surrounded by beauty ”? You are working surrounded by family”


Editor Colette Collins

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