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But that was just the beginning... Reading U. had a powerful secret weapon.

A most innovative frame for learning and reading.

The Weekly Theme: corresponding to their own passion!

Reading University brilliantly knocks down the walls between learning in the classroom and learning in the outside world. Mentors are brought in from the community to lead the learning in the outside world.

Weekly reading activities are defined by different themes and culminates in the adventure of the Field Trip, “The trips serve to tie the learning of the previous week together and give it purpose”, comments Blain.

A groundbreaking concept which creates a highly anticipated excitement of the ‘new’! Boredom replaced by the freewheeling joy usually reserved for the playground. Every week for four weeks!

Animal week,

Transportation week:

Drama Week....the possibilities are endless! And always changing, in accordance with new ideas and opportunities!

“My daughter can’t wait every morning for the school bus!”

Graduation is a glorious day. All the children deservedly graduate with honors.

After four weeks as Reading University Scholars, their reading has gone up 3-levels – the equivalent of one year. And some students 6-levels!

As their names are called out, each “graduate” proudly walks up onto the stage where the Dean of the University, dressed in full regalia, hands each one a certificate as the beaming parents and audience, clap wildly…right to the very end!

And all the people who have been instrumental in making this possible are there. All choked up with tears of joy, overwhelmed with the significance of what they have accomplished in changing the lives of these young graduates.

The acknowledgments flow in.

“There is no doubt in my daughter’s mind that when she is done Grade 12 she will go to Augustana University. She has even asked exactly how much money we have saved for University. What a goal for a little girl in grade three. We will nurture that goal every day of her life. I sincerely thank you. All the organizers, the financial supporters, all the staff and helpers.”



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